We have an awesome smoker and so I was super excited when BzzAgent offered me some coupons to see pork in a whole new light! I stopped by Kroger and picked up the Kroger Moist & Tender Pork Shoulder/Butt. This is the cut of meat that I like to use for BBQ Pulled Pork and I was very surprised that my local Kroger carried it. It was $1.99/lb which is a little higher price than I usually pay, but with the coupon, it was reasonable. I used a rub of mustard, brown sugar and "butt rub" and put it in the smoker for about 10 hours. I had read that most people over cook their pork, so using the guidelines by The National Pork Board, I took it out at just the right temperature. I let it rest for a few minutes and then started pulling it apart. The label didn't lie, it was very moist and tender! In fact, it was delicious. I did think this cut was a little fattier than cuts I had used in the past, but overall I was very happy with it! It wasn't stringy and had a good, moist texture.
If you haven't tried pork lately, The National Pork Board recommends cooking pork chops, roasts and tenderloins to an internal temperature of 145° (medium rare)–160° F (medium) (followed by a three minute rest) for juicy, tender pork that’s slightly pink in the middle.
Pork tenderloin carries the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check mark; each serving packs tons of nutrients and, ounce for ounce, is as lean as skinless chicken breast. PorkBeInspired.com is a great resource on all the tasty ways to prepare pork, from braising and sautéing, to stuffing, saucing and grilling.
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